Katie and Peter.The Next Chapter. in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Katie and Peter.The Next Chapter.

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patsyann | 14:02 Mon 13th Jul 2009 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
This baby miscarriage thing does not ring true to me. In one of the final episodes she said they hoped to start making a baby later in the year. Then when back in England they were in a hotel on the eve of running the marathon and were going for a massage and Katie said she had no knickers on so would go and put some on. On Piers Morgans interview she said that she was still bleeding from the termination. Surely she would be wearing padding. I cant believe that Peter would go along with a false story he is far too nice a guy and passionate about his children but something does not seem right about her story.


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I thought they hadn't had sex for 2 years...............was it going to be "Katie and Peter.......the Second Coming"
I thought exactly the same Patsyann. I remembered the "no knickers" comment when i was watching her with Piers. Something not quite true there I think.
I agree, she also said something in the interview about losing a baby again. If this was the case and she'd been through this before, why on earth was she still going horse riding? I would have thought that anyone with any sense would have put that activity on hold.
These two z list celebs I hate with a passion. They are totally talentless and in the main only offer entertainment to brainless girlie types who buy ok magazine.

oh bu88er.........as a pensioner with an engineering degree I'd better stop buying it....
I wonder what socket thinks of big-bro fans?
i asked the question on here yesterday about why was she taking anti-depressants, (which she has said over and over she was), and not using birth control? I assume that that sort of medication should be avoided if trying for a baby. If it was unplanned, maybe the medication contributed to the miscarriage/termination.
oh i read OK magazine cos we get it free at work, I only look at the pictures though i don't read any of the rubbish!
it's got quite a good crossword dot....
I made the same point about the knickers yesterday pastyann - I think she is a pathological liar - although she did keep running to the loo before the marathon !!
I think she has some sort of attention-seeking disorder and although I sympathise with anyone who has lost a baby, the whole thing did not ring true, and the tears seemed a little 'acted'. I think as her 'beauty' fades she will become more and more disturbed and we could have another Michael Jackson situation on our hands, I mean her natural looks have already been ruined by plastic surgery in my opinion and she is starting to look strange. I feel so sorry for the children. Also does she not realise that a lot of guys would not have included Harvey the way he does, there has been no hesitation that he is going to continue as a step father with all that it entails with Harvey's problems. I hope Katie gets some help.

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