Judging by the "professional" chefs taking part in this programme (so far) Britain's restaurants either do not train their staff well, or(more liley) so much is bought in ready prepared that the chefs merely cook it rather than prepare if from raw.
Today (Wednesday) for example we had:~
2 chefs who didn';t know whether or not their chcicken was cooked.
1 Chef wo served almost raw quail!
2 Chefs who couldn't fillet a flatfish.
Most seem to have no idea of seasoning,either too much,or practically none.
Nearly all the chefs so far have very strange combinations of ingredients(that don't work) and seem to have no idea what goes with what,and more importantly what doesn't!(A la Heston Blumenthal et al)
As I said at start of my question,I think that in many of Britain's restaurants the food comes in ready prepared,trimmed, gutted,jointed etc,and these so called chefs merely put it all together.
No wonder that Masterchef is having such a job finding the level of cooking th Michel Roux Jr expects.
Oh,by the way,just what is it with Greg Wallace's eating habits?
He puts the fork or spoon in his mouth (with the food on it) then clamps his jaws dow on the setm,and then draws the impliment back through his teeth and lips.
A case for Dr Freud I think?
I have noticed that too mr v. Especially when it comes to desserts. I haven't been watching this series and I usually love the masterchefs. Might have a pop in later to see. How are michel and greg reacting to the incompetence of these chefs?
Watching how badly some of them cut themselves whilst using a knife when preparing cuts of meat made me wince. I wouldn't let some of them loose with sharpened crayons!
I think the description has mislead us, Most of them have worked in kitchens and I do not think all deserve the `Chef` title as you say is obvious by the lack of basic skills.
I think Greg is tolerant of it,but Micel seems to be getting exasperated by it!
I think they are dangerous too,I wouldn't like to work in a kitchen with them.
Yes,it makes you wonder just WHAT " qualifications" that have to have to enter? One of them had been a chef for 13 years,have they been hiding under a stone or something? LOL
My son is a head chef, has been cooking for 25 years and started out as a commis with Gary Rhodes. He prepares every bit of food that is served. I haven't been watching this series, although I am normally glued to the telly, but from what you say Mr V, I imagine the participants are only commis chefs or similar and just want to be on TV!!
Yes,and they put through Marianne(?) who's idea of medium rare(anything) seems to be raw and bloody!
I thought Celibrity Masterchef was a hoot,but this takes the biscuit.How about a combined Professional V Celebrity Masterchef,I think the Celebrities would win every time?
I couldn't agree more.I just don't know how much(and what sort) of experience you have to qualify for this series?
Not much it would seem,and none of them just want their own restaurant,all they seem to want is Michelin stars.
Well, sadly Raymond Blanc(at 59) has already had TWO heart attacks,so we can see where this sort of desire can lead!
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Masterchef "The Professionals" a sad state of affairs?