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The Bill

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chrissa1 | 00:21 Fri 26th Mar 2010 | TV
7 Answers
I missed the middle of The Bill tonight. Can anyone tell me how the little boy got stuck in the drain and who kidnapped him? Thanks.


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His father's mate kidnapped him, and kept him in an underground 'prison' near to the river.

He just happened to get his foot trapped in the drain cover, as the tide was rising.

He was rescued by a police woman, who swam under the water took his trainers off to release his foot.

They both were rescued by "Smithy"
its just been axed apparently
Enjoy while you can chrissa.
For some reason ITV have decided to axe The Bill.
It,s a great shame all the decent shows going e.g.Heartbeat.
snap DG

coming to an end after 27 years !
Question Author
Thanks all. Yes, it's a shame it's being axed.

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