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Does anyone know anything about a shopping presenter on JML called Jess Levy?? She is damn lovely but very scarce info on her....cheers

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Dusdus | 08:12 Mon 12th Apr 2010 | TV
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Sorry I can't help on this but I I've noticed you keep posting all your questions in full in the title box and then leave the question box blank. So many people do this now I'm trying to work out whether AB doesn't work properly for certain browsers. Or is it just your personal preference?
It makes questions difficult to read. Also the entry in the Latests Posts bit just shows the first few words of the title, so something snappy such as "Who is Jess Levy" is more meaningful than "Does anyone know anything"
I'm ust trying to help and work out why so many people do this.
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I guess its not looking at the page properly!! Sorry!
Thanks. I'm just puzzled because it seems common now whereas I don't remember it happening a year ago. I wondered if users using mobiles/blackberries etc get a different screen layout

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Does anyone know anything about a shopping presenter on JML called Jess Levy?? She is damn lovely but very scarce info on her....cheers

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