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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a fantasy adventure film. This is the fourth in the series of films based on the book of the same name by J.K.Rowling and was directed by Mike Newell. The film is set during the lead characters’ fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The Goblet of Fire is the first in the series that is starting to leave childhood behind for the three lead characters, Harry, Ron and Hermione, and this is reflected in the tone and effects of the film. Audiences have been impressed by how the actors have grown into their roles and as well as having to cope with evil wizards they are also dealing with puberty and hormonal changes.
This is the fourth school year for the three heroes and Hogwarts is hosting a dangerous completion called the Tri Wizard Tournament. Despite being too young Harry is accidentally entered into the completion along with another Hogwarts student and two students from other wizarding schools. As Harry battles his way through the trials his experience of battling real foes comes to the fore concluding in a dramatic face off between him and Voldemort at the end.
Cinema release 2005
Certificate 12
Available on DVD and Blue Ray