What car should I buy? in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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What car should I buy?

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floss85 | 17:01 Thu 26th May 2005 | Motoring
6 Answers
At the moment I own a Ford Puma. I've had it just over a year, but now want something new. I want something sport (preferabley with a soft top) but within about �6000. Plus I dont want to go any lower than a T reg. Anyone got any ideas?
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The Puma is a terrific car, Im surprised you want to swap it so soon, still, a covertable for �6000? I guess there is only really one choice, (if you dont want a classic, TR6 or similar), and thats an MX5 or an MR2, both should be available for your money, and are good, reliable, reasonably fun, cars. 

I sold my car when I moved to Germany (use public transport here).  If I was going to buy another car for around that price then I'd buy another Honda Civic 1.6iSR Coupe VTEC (1.7 on newer year). 

It has ABS, electric windows/sunroof/mirrors, twin airbags as standard.

If definitely a soft-top then.... maybe a MX5 or MGF? (I personally wouldn't choose either but a classic Triumph TR6 as already mentioned).

Go try an MGF, a friend of mine has one and it's spot-on. Great write ups etc, fast, safe, reliable and looks great. can't go wrong. Just do it and see!
Yes MX5 - Ive had a Puma and an MX5 and both are fab to drive..

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