I have just had a cooling water leak looked at and repaired? (At a garage which failed to spot a missing rear exhaust mounting strap, at the time of MOT inspection. Leading to strain and failure on a weld on an otherwise good exhaust)
Now I have a cooling water loss again. 1 week after. I have informed the garage and booked another inspection. Should they not have tested for pressure loss the first time before handing the car back as sound.
Could they not have found/repaired? something that didnt need repairing.
Where do I stand legally. Should I have to pay again. They could say its something else leaking now?
If the water / coolant leak was just a loose J/Clip the would not have pressure tested the System ( unless it was a total loss) that would have meant that there would have been air in the system, regards the Exhaust clip, that should have been noticed, the water / coolant loss "Could" be down to the Rad or even worse, head Gasket, What car?
Its a Mk1 Focus. The temp gauge did/does not move higher, The only way I came to inspect the expansion tank initially was the cooling fan running.
Would you not get white sludge in the oil/excessive temp reading if it was a head gasket.
I had to put 11/2 ltrs of water in it yesterday
If the weather was extream cold "yes you would Bob, check the carpets inside front of your car! are they wet? if so, poss coolant pipe leak, the case now would be a system pressure test, it may be, & I hope for your sake its an air lock within the system but coolant loss would have caused that.but the fact is, what caused the loss in the first case?