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faulty heater

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johnnypmiz | 08:31 Thu 26th Oct 2006 | Cars
3 Answers
I have a 2000 Ford Fiesta, the blower/fan works fine but will only provide cold air - its that time of year and I'd like my wife and kids to keep warm or I'll never get any peace.


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Check the expansion bottle to see if you are low on coolant. Otherwise it could be the heater valve.
When you alter the control from cold to hot does it move freely? If this seems to be working then it's possible that hot water isn't getting through to the heater matrix (a mini radiator that sits behind the heater). This is fed by the engine coolant. These matrix units can block sometimes or suffer airlocks. Is the car running okay otherwise? Can you get to the pipes behind the heater (careful) to see if they are warm? Might be worth back flushing the coolant system through and topping up (probably not a bad idea at this time of year)
On my wifes 1996 fiesta there was an item called the heater control valve ( an electrically operated valve that sat in the engine compartment behind the bulkhead ).
when it went faulty the heater blew cold air.
Check with Ford and see if they are still fitted to your age of car and if so change it - not very expensive and easy to change.

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