Is it worth it? in The AnswerBank: Cars
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Is it worth it?

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McNoodle | 15:13 Fri 19th Jan 2007 | Cars
6 Answers
Anyone ever appealed a speeding ticket successfully, or is it a waste of time?
I've just been done coming out of a 40 into a 30 zone at 42mph. If you could see this road, honestly, it's 4 lanes across with no pedestrians on the side I was travelling, and it's negotiable where one zone ends and the other starts.
I reckon �60 and 3 points is a bit much in this case, but I'm thinking a magistrate will just say 30 is 30 without looking at the grey area?
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In your case you have not got a chance, the only way you can appeal is by going to court which could cost you around �1500 in costs.
tell em you're a celebrity represented by lawyer nick freeman
42 in a 30 zone no excuse. Where the 30 zone starts is not negotiable - it where the big 30 sign is.
it depends is there a sign saying 30 befor you were caught if no then es if so the only chance you would have is if the camrear van was parked illigaly as they cant do that
easy, tell them that because of the way the signs are positioned, with no prior warning and the road layout, it is entrapment which is illegal. seriously, just about any excuse you can think of to threaten legal action will get you off, trust me. the authorities haven't got a leg to stand on in court most of the time and they know it. iv seen it done many a time.
some Camera Partenerships have less resources than others..

Get caught 3 times in Leics / Notts - ignore - ignore again ..... gone.

as far as i know, if they can't pin it on you in a year, it's gone anyway - but i could stand corrected. Certainly the above worked for ' someone i know ' ... A'hem
get my drift ..??

And before all the 'do gooders' start raving on about how you should be locked away with the key inserted in the colon of your peado cell mate, or flogged - etc etc.
all i would say is this. let him who is without sin cast the first stone - and all that!

Camera vans - come the revolution brothers.

Oh and one last thing - I saw one in a layby on a relatively hazzard free road. So do what i did and pull BEHIND him and pretend to be on the phone!

This guy was going mad waving and gesturing. I told him after about 15 minutes that didn't he know it was illegal for me to drive and phone,so surely he wasn't asking me to break the law.
Oh the joy .

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