Hi, although I can't answer your question as such, I have a different car to you, but had a very similar problem. For no reason, it would suddenly start leaping forward in big jumps. The problem would come and go. Sometimes,there was a terrible smell. When I took it into the garage, they thought it would be the dizzy cap, so checked that first, it wasn't that. then when I said sometimes there was a smell, they checked the catalytic converter, they checked everything and couldn't find out what was wrong. Eventually, I said it was worse just after I had filled it up with petrol. In the end, they said it could be a bit of water in my petrol tank (it was also at the time of the dodgy petrol scandal). They said to take it back when the tank was almost empty, and they would drain it, dry it and put it back on to see if it would solve it. Then mysteriously, it hasn't happened since.