I am a second named driver on my car and i am learning. Can i go driving with an over 21 who has been driving for more than 3 years but is not insured on the car?
http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTransport /Highwaycode/DG_069868
Just read through the above and its not mentioned that the supervisor has to be insured. Thinking about it, I don't think they do (as you are the one driving) UNLESS you want them to drive the car as well for some reason. They may be covered by their own insurance for this (assuming they own a car).
The supervisor has to be insured as well - he has exactly the same legal obligations as if he were driving, and can be required to produce his documents in exactly the same way:
On occasions the person supervising may have to intervene, grab the steering, use the brake to possibly avoid an accident / incident. They have then taken control of the car and hence the need for them to be insured on the car.
Well you would have thought they would mention that on the directgov website as well Ethel. Must admit, I've been thinking about it today and thought they must be insured.