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Ford KA

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David C1 | 19:52 Thu 18th Oct 2007 | Cars
5 Answers
I have a Ford Ka the key does not operate the doors remotely, I have bought a new battery it still does not work, it only work if you insert the key into the lock; any suggestions?


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Did you replce the battery within the time that some specify?
have you reset the key?
details should be in the manual
Question Author
Thanks for that, I have not reset the code the only code in the book is for adding keys. It does not tell you about resetting the remote locking. Any idea what the sequence is?

David Cattermole
sorry, i havnt a clue, I just new that some cars need the key to be reset. On a focus c-max its something to do with turning key in ignition so many times or something :)

Try a ford Ka owners club, ask on the forums. I did a quick search and found this one
Question Author
Thanks again I will give it a go.

You should try ringing a car locksmiths they are usually full of knowledge with this kind of thing, my friend had a similar problem and they had to recode the key ( I think)

try these people below they were very usefull

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