thanks for the tip TWR but I'd be taping the whole car (not that it's that big)...........I've read a few reviews on the net but none have been particularly good......
Hi Craft, It may not sound particular good But I can assure you It works, I valet in my spare time & Dogs in cars are my pet hates, but as said, It works.
being an ex-valetor / finisher of cars - light vehicles , i can confirm selotape is the best option for animal hairs in cars , any decent vacuum cleaner with a high suction will pick up the loose hairs however most animal hairs are course and thefore tend to grip the fabric in vehicles so simple suction alone doesnt always pull away the hairs using a brush alongside the vacuum will help , but by far the selotape answer is the best.
Animal hairs are indeed one of the hardest things to clear during the valeting process of a vehicle , and with that sadly there is not quick easy answer to clearing them .
Hi Craft, your cheapest way Is what I have stated, but the very best option to you and many more reading this, is an old blanket or cover, it only takes five Min's to put this on but it saves a lot of unnecessary work, also for anyone that sells a car that is full of dog hairs this can reduce the selling price, Or asking price! Bull sht??? I know different I can assure you.