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3.5 tonne Multidrop driving required breaks

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dawnrigsby | 12:46 Thu 13th Nov 2008 | Other Vehicles
3 Answers
what are required government breaks for driving 3.5 tonne multidrop vehicle


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If your vehicle is under 3.5 T, it should not have a tcahograph fitted, so as such, there are no rules regarding breaks. If someone wanted to be really picky, they could say you are working within the scope of the UK hours rules, which state your duty day should not exceed 11 hours, but I doubt anyone would pick up on it.
For a 3.5 tonne vehicle there are no laws governing the hours you drive. But beware if you tow a trailer that makes your maximum permitted weight over 3.5 tonne, so if it is being used in connection with a trade or busines you will need a tachograph fitted which brings restrictions on your driving hours.
The European working time directive will mean that you cannot work, either driving or other duties, for more than six hours without a break.

However as there is no recording device in the van, no one is to know if you have followed this.

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3.5 tonne Multidrop driving required breaks

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