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Grit Lorries?

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stoofur | 10:20 Wed 07th Jan 2009 | Other Vehicles
25 Answers
I was driving home last night and a Grit Lorry passed me. Really important job at this time of year. But it got me thinking. What do Grit Lorry Drivers do in the summer? I imagine they travel south as the year goes on ending in Australia or even Antarctica?

Anyone have any ideas?


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panic your correct in what you said, occisonally they do use the grit lorrys in the summer BUT rather than the salt they have normally stone grit or sand to "dust down" melting tarmac.
They certainly don't end up in Australia.... I've been driving trucks for years here and don't even know what a grit lorry is!
havn't a clue as i generally have more to think about,as long as the drivers have jobs then i don't give a $hit really...
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Bad day 2Bears?
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I have not seen a grit lorry this year. Maybe they never returned from the summer migration.

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Grit Lorries?

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