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Mislaid or Lost Keys

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tublo | 18:08 Mon 11th Apr 2011 | Motoring
6 Answers
Hi My father has mislaid or lost his only key for his R registration Reliant Rialto. What is the quickest (and cheapest) way to get a replacement please?


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Pick it up and take it to a local key cutters and ask if they can help?

OR seriously, I don't know how upto date this list is


But try a couple and see if they can help.
Hi, if its possible to get into the motor, the key No is to be had if you remove the lock on the rear door, the No should be on the mechanism.
The best way is to find the key again (and then get it copied)
Surely even if you get the key number, there aren't any Reliant dealers now to get a replacement from?
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Best way to get a replacement is to contact the manufacturer, because 9/10 you are just going to get a key copy, not a key cut specific to your requirements. Media URL:

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