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Purple_Popple | 17:34 Fri 28th Oct 2011 | Motoring
51 Answers
Need their head testing. I phoned up for a car that was for sale locally, and spoke to the owner, even said I could pay cash for it now, I lived 5 minutes away from her, only for her to say she has a guy coming to view it tomorrow morning and travelling from Dorchester !! Madness. Silly woman passed up a sale there.


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How was any answer supposed to 'help' on this thread, exactly?

It only has a very tenuous link to Motoring in that we are discussing a car, in any case.
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It doesnt warrant a 'personal' slating ! No need for that.
If I'd promised someone to look at something I was selling, and they were travelling miles, I'd certainly keep my side of the bargain, it's only decent. I wouldn't be very pleased to trek miles only to find you'd sold it behind my back.
Purple, I've had the selling & buying of cars etc, myself, If I said I would keep it for someone I would, I understand what you say 5 mins away, there are a lot out there that would have said sod Mr Dorchester & sell the car, but on saying that Mr Dorchester may have left a Deposit via Pay pal Etc. there are plenty more to choose from believe me, it the Byers market with 2nd hand cars. but just a point, if you are not well up on the mechanical side of cars take someone with you that it. "Warning"
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A sensible answer thanks TWR. I know what you mean. But that is a risk anyone takes buying anything mechanical I guess.
I bet you wish you had a crystal ball PurplePopple!!
You're slating the seller, though. You seem to think there is a need for that.
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I admire the seller for being courteous. you could learn from her, judging by your responses.
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Purple, take a tip! otherwise IT may cost you money, it does not matter if the car costs a small or large amount, money is money & its hard to come about, if it costs you £30 for someone to check the car for you, go for it, a lot of people get problems WHEN they have Paid for the car don't be one of them. Yes! there are people on here that can give you decent answers????
Doncaster....what happened to Dorchester?
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I prefer Dorchester
''spoke to the owner''

Maybe it was as simple as she didn't like the sound of your voice...
Possibly its the way she gave you the info. Some folk are not very tactful or make it clear that a prior offer, which they must honour, exists. Hope you find your car P_P
I see its half term at school Purple? some of them have just come on here.
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I know why so many people hate it on here, the one and only reason I dont recommend this site to anyone! Ed take note.
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I hope this thread gets pulled Ive had enough of it already.

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