If it's been cold in your part of the country it was probably just ice preventing the cable moving inside its sheaf.
Alternatively, if a vehicle has been unused for a while it's quite common for the brakes to lock up, requiring a few extra revs to pull away (or, in extreme cases, constantly changing from forward to reverse until they're released). Repeatedly pulling the handbrake really hard on, and then fully releasing it, can help as well. While the problem is most noticeable if the vehicle has been standing for months, it can sometimes occur after just a day or two of not being moved.
I normally expect to experience minor difficulties (through locked brakes) when pulling away after my car hasn't been used for about 3 days or so. But I've also had to drive vehicles which hadn't been moved for over 6 months, requiring up to half an hour of effort before the brakes would come off.