Cats eyelids in The AnswerBank: Pets
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Cats eyelids

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newcastle1 | 20:09 Mon 27th Feb 2012 | Pets
3 Answers
Hello all

My cats eyes look a bit funny and she is quieter than usual.

Her '2nd' eye lid is 1/4 way across one of her eyes and the other one the other side is a bit too but not so much.

Should I be worried and be taking her to the vet?
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when is the last time you wormed her as worms can cause the fat pad at the back of the eye to shrink allowing the inner eyelid to come across i learnt this many years agos after several visits to the vets and various different treatments which had no affect then read about the worm thing in a cat book , wormed him and with in a week eyes were fine
I think that it is a sign of the cat being a bit off colour.

Normally I would five you a link to my favourite cat website - but either it is down or I am being more stupid than usual.


Cats are good at hiding the fact that they are unwell and it is good that you have picked up on a sign.

If it were me I would panic and drag the poor creature to the vet expecting a diagnosis of some fatal disease. The sensible answer would be to leave it a day or two, as long as puss is eating/drinking and filling the litter tray.

It could be a fight injury and if you suspect this take junior to the vet tomorrow.
That happens when the cat is dehydrated. She may have a raised temperature which is causing it (possibly due to an infection of some kind). I would think about taking her to the vets if she is no better tomorrow.

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