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Car Pulling To The Left

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BEN.KING | 19:22 Mon 14th Jan 2013 | Motoring
8 Answers
Hi I recently put some new alloys and tyres onto my car ( Toyota celica ). The wheels are supposed to have been balanced, you can see the balance weights on the inside, but my car has started pulling to the left quite badly. My car has always pulled to the left slightly but since I put my new wheels on it has definatley gone worse. Will it be the wheel allignment? Would it be worth swapping the two front wheels around to see if that makes any difference?


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Get it tracked & then re-check the wheel balance.
Presume you have checked the tyre pressures since new wheels fitted.
Tyres are often directional these days so swapping them over wouldn't be an option. You could check and see if they are directional by looking on the sidewall for an arrow showing the rotation they should have.
More likely to be tracking or balljoint wear in the wishbones or trackrod ends.
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Ok thanks, yeah I checked the tyre pressures myself and put air in a couple of them so its not that. I'll get the tracking checked. Cheers
does sound like a tracking issue, when one wheel is straight ahead the other is pointing to the left. The tyres will start to wear on one edge.
When does the car pull to the left?

If it's mainly when braking. a duff shock absorber might be the cause. (Written from personal experience!).

If it's mainly when accelerating, a broken wishbone could be the cause. (Again from experience).

If it's all the time (and you've checked the tyre pressures) then a tracking fault would seem to be most likely.
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Well Ive only driven it twice since I put the new wheels on but it was all the time when I was driving, not just under braking it was very noticable
You may find this answer a bit!!!!!! are the tyres the same size? are the wheels the same size? your old tyres!! did they show any signs of wear on the outer walls? If so, your tracking is out. Has the car ever had a front end N/S/ Bump?

The wheels are supposed to have been balanced!!!!!!!! Are you sure? are the weights new?

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Car Pulling To The Left

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