husband very kindly took my car to be valeted and I now have a horribly shiney interior. What can I use to return it to it's more matt previous existence?
The steering wheel is slightly sticky and everything that was black (dashboard, radio, around gearstck etc etc) is shiny almost looks asthough it has varnish n it.
If it is all the interior plastics that are shiny, you can get interior products that leave the surfaces matt. I have an own-brand from Halfords which works well and was inexpensive.
The product they have used on the Dash Etc is Silicone polish ( I use it when I valet cars) It's hard to remove once applied Miss, regards the Steering wheel, that should NEVER have been use on that surface for the reason of control / slipping, I would take the car back & ask them to remove the product, with a removal product they use.