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starter motor

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seanyyy | 22:25 Sun 03rd Jul 2005 | Motoring
3 Answers
 my Renault clio just goes tick tick when i try and start it then just turns off?????? how can i fix it?? please


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If you mean that when you engage the starter all that happens is a clicking noise that, then stops, this is an indicator of a nearly dead battery... there's just enough electricity stored in the battery to cause the starter solenoid to click, but not enough to turn the starter motor.  At least, in U.S. cars... Good luck...

Seanyyy, it sounds like the starter motor is jammed in the flywheel. The traditional cure is to put it in gear and push the car  (or rock it) to move the engine slightly which should free the starter motor. You should then be able to start the car. It generally means that the teeth on the either the flywhhel or the starter motor, or both, have got rather chewed up - once it starts happening, it often continues to happen.

Hope this helps.

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