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Purple_Popple | 20:19 Sun 17th Mar 2013 | Motoring
25 Answers
Cyclists think they have a right to go through red lights ?
Are they supposed to keep to the left still when on the road as today I have seen some weaving in and out of cars going from left to right all over the road.


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In the summer a road near us, is regularly by cycle clubs doing road races and speed trials and hey can be a real pain in the arse, the other year the police had to be called to a nearby junction after the so called "Marshalls" started stopping traffic to let the cyclists through.They were told in no uncertain terms that it didn't matter if it was a race or not unless it was an officially licensed race with proper planning etc the competitors were still subject to the rules of the road and had no special rights of way
In London, the lights don't actually apply to cyclists. I read that in the local by laws somewhere.
I don't condone cyclists going through red lights. It's potentially very dangerous. However it is usually dangerous mainly for the cyclist.

There are some appalling pieces of road sense by cyclists and equally by motorists (the latter no doubt taxed and licensed nonetheless)
A few days ago I was walking along and a young lady approached on on bike. As there was a cycle lane I pointed to it. She responded by shouting "I am five months pregnant!", so either pregnant women are immune to the rules of the highway, or she is just plain stupid...answers on a postcard. I am a cyclist myself and will admit to occasionally going through red lights, shame on me. The main problem in this country is that cycle lanes are rarely separate from the road. In Holland they are separated by a kerbed area. This is much safer for cyclists. Ihave encountered many drivers who are inconsiderate of cyclists even pulling across cycle lanes when waiting in queues. What we need is cars which will not pull into a space where there is anything. The technology is nearly there, our car brakes if you get too close to the car in front (it is a small SEAT). Time will come when you can programme the car and set off. Maybe bikes will be safer then!

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