Extinction please: the Austin Allegro, The Austin Princess, The OLD Mini Metro, the ("jam sandwich") Rover, the OLD Skoda (Estelle etc).
Isn't there a website called "how many are left" that lists how many are still on the road?
Mr Nungate owned 3 Vauxhall Viva's in his time. One before he met me and 2 after, then he progressed to a couple of cavaliers (always in yukky colours as I recall! - I wasn't there!) Then he went all German and had 3 BMW's that last of which "died" last year, we now have a Vectra (vack to Vauxhalls again) which I rather like and Queenie can't seem to drive...
...and now
Please don't extinctify:
The Citroen 2CV
The Citroen CX
All of the old Lamborghinis particularly the Espada.
The old Lotus Europa, Elan and Elan sprint.
The 'real' (ie. not BMW) Mini
Well out of that lot on the link I have owned three of them, a Ford Sierra it was a White 3 door Cosworth RS 500, bloody quick car, two Ford Cortina Mk 2's both of them 1600E's and a Rover SDI 3500 V8.
Ford Sierra
Triumph Acclaim
Rover 200 (a later version though)
Vauxhall Chevette
Ford Cortina (mk4 and mk5)
Austin Metro
Rover SD1
Morris Ital
Austin Montego