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Fiesta heater fan switch

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Tabby | 22:18 Tue 12th Jul 2005 | Motoring
4 Answers

1996 Mk3 Fiesta (1.25) Heater fan only works on position 4. 30A fuse Okay. Checked motor current on position 1, 2 and 3. No current flows to fan. Could this be a switch problem?




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If the fuse is good and you have power when in position 4 it definatley sounds like the switch is faulty. Might be worth popping it out and having a look. If you can get inside the switch you might find the the contacts are dirty. Had a similar problem once with light switch. Took it apart, cleaned it up, problem solved. If not you could probably get one from a scrappy for a few quid.

it's a problem common to mondeos. it's a resistor pack that fails, usually giving off a burning smell when it dies! go to  or for more insight. the fix is pretty straightforward although if you're not confident then print off the info and give it to someone who is. hopefully this will ensure you aint being ripped off... 
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Thanks Guys,

Checked switch, seems okay (tested with multimeter). Resistor pack sounds like a good bet, but it's hard to trace the cables without removing all of the dash! Do you know if is located on the passenger side, like the mondeo?

Thanks again.

Having worked for Ford dealerships, the whole switch facia is sometimes replaced when this happens. The resistor i think is housed within that. We used to replace many on warranty. Its definatly the rsistor pack though that has failed. Position 4 is the motors normal running speed, and 1, 2 and 3 is reduces the voltage on the motor thus slowing it down. Check that the fan blower motor turns freely, as if there is resistance in the bearings, it can also burn the resistor pack out. If you want to know anymore let me know. 

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Fiesta heater fan switch

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