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On Board Traffic Camera.

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TWR | 19:02 Sun 10th Nov 2013 | Motoring
4 Answers
has anyone got / use one?


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In OH's vehicles, matter of course.
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Hi Boxy, I'm just about to fit 2 to my car, I am awaiting the 2nd as it's gone missing, hows the weather been down there? been a cracker here.
Got 2 for use on the motorbike/helmet (as avatar), tried 1 in car suction cup fell off screen regular -oops, but not the ones with g shock sensor.
A friend recently had 1 on his car & caught a cyclist crashing across his bonnet when he was waiting at a junction - silly billy, couldn't argue with that.
Got one of these: User Recommendation

but only use it whilst cycling. I record every journey, just in case.

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On Board Traffic Camera.

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