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AB Editor | 07:27 Mon 18th Aug 2014 | Motoring
14 Answers

This poll is closed.

  • Paper Maps - 123 votes
  • 46%
  • Dedicated Sat-Nav - 106 votes
  • 40%
  • Mobile Phone Maps - 21 votes
  • 8%
  • I Guess! - 16 votes
  • 6%

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there isnt "google street view before i go and hope i can remember"
Although I have a dedicated sat-nav I still check my route on a paper map and commit as much as possible to memory.
30+ years of HGV Driving, I am familiar with the UK. Also getting off a Motorway and using the old roads.
I check the map before I leave, and then rely on road signs.
Bit of a flawed poll Ed - it misses out the blended approach.
I look at the place / route on various map programs such as google and bing

Bing especially for using the Ordnance Survey option to locate key topographical or townscape features

Streetview to get a visual of what key junctions will look like

I may print off a list of key directions if someone is co-piloting, otherwise I'll memorise them (possibly also forget them)

But I don't use mobile devices of any kind when driving
I've never used a sat-nav. I print out directions and a map from Google maps or similar, and take my ipad so I can see where I am on the map.
I go on paper maps but listen to local radio reports in the area for any change such as car crash/ road works or obstructions not showing on sat navs etc
I use a dedicated, paid for sat nav app on my properly mounted Nexus 7 tablet.
I've selected 'Paper Maps' but, like Mosaic, I find that my actual method is missing from the list.

I normally use the AA routefinder to find a route for me and then check on a road atlas to see if it makes sense. Then I'll make notes summarising the route and have them (together with a road atlas opened at the relevant page) alongside me in the car.
Sat Nav. It ain't let me down yet.
Paper maps
Paper Maps. Half the joy of a car journey is looking at the map and exploring the countryside all around the main roads and discovering little villages raods etc that you'd never get to see ordinarily
I look at my route on Google Maps and memorise a few key points then off I go.
I might jot down some road numbers if it's somewhere I'm unfamiliar with.
paper maps

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