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Mazda Rx-8 Suitable Car?

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Taddbeta | 05:17 Wed 19th Nov 2014 | Motoring
39 Answers
Hey, as some of you might know i'm 18. I was thinking about first cars do you guys think a Mazda rx-8 is suitable for a new driver? I've already done my research i just wanted onions from more experienced drivers.


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Onions? Fresh or pickled?
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I trust this is for yourself. I suspect you are as capable of wrapping a sports car around a tree as any other. Go for whatever car/insurance you can afford and try not to push your (and other's) luck and causing grief.
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Got a mate who's a mechanic at a Mazda dealership. He doesn't rate the RX8 as they have high maintenance costs and theres some expensive problem that happens to them all (cant remember what it was)

That's probably why they are quite cheap to buy 2nd hand. They look lovely and there's a lot of car for your money but it may not be ultimately worth it.

RX7s are better if you can find one!
Tad, we have all been there but nowadays there is a vast difference in the Type of car you go for, as you are aware the Insurance is so high for lads of your age & the reason been, Tear @rses, I am not saying you are one but with the young, the figures show, If I can give you some advice that will help your pocket go for a small engine until you get the experience / the time / & to prove to your insurance that you are not a risk, I'm not preaching, when out with your mates in your car, just remember It's you that loses your licence not your mates, they will only laugh at you (Remember that) your licence is quicker to lose than gain, each endorsement can be an increase to your Insurance, and a Increase to your Insurance can mean, Bye Bye Car I can not afford you. Take care & use your head " Not Your Right Foot"
No it's a daft first car and the insurance will be astronomical. I was very tempted to get one myself as they are reasonably high-performance and look amazing. I was warned off by lots of people because they have a history of guzzling oil for no obvious reason.
No I don't think that is a suitable car for someone of your age & I doubt your parents will either. You won't have the experience to handle that kind of engine. It will also be very difficult for you to get insurance & if you do find someone to insure you it will be extortionate. I know it's exciting getting your first car but do what most of us have done and have a boring car for a couple of years to get some experience.
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Ah I didn't realise it was him!
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Thanks guys
great car, not a good first car though, I think you'll struggle to get insured anyway. You can book yourself on a performance driving course and get ready for such a car.
''That's probably why they are quite cheap to buy 2nd hand''

^ understatement! Poor fuel economy, high CO2 emissions, expensive to service. My Mum's other half had one from new... attempted to sell (only 6k miles, mint condition) and couldn't get a buyer... eventually part exchanged it for a pitiful amount just to get rid.
I've already done my research

And yet you still think a Mazda rx-8 is suitable for a new driver?
"a 1.3 litre that is taxed like a 2.6 litre and drinks like a 6.0 litre"
They're a great car up to about 50/60k when they need a complete engine rebuild. That's why second ahnd ones are so chaep.
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I like the the car, and I already know how to drive, I've been driving from age 14, besides all the cost and insurance, what's your overall thought on getting one? If someone offered you one, would you take it?
//If someone offered you one, would you take it?//

Might do, depends what I was offered!
No, I would not have one.
it's a nonsense question - who would turn down a free car? If someone gave me a car i'd probably say yes please!
However, even tho you have x amount of years driving experience, that won't be on the road, and being able to drive is very different to being able to drive in traffic, manouvre in traffic, reverse park, and so on.
Even if you were a squillionairre, it would be a rubbish first car choice

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