Hi, from what I understand the Front Off/side ( Drivers Side) Inner Plastic liner has to come off, these are secured by either Plastic Plugs or Torx Screws, "WITH SAFTEY IN MIND" Handbrake on and in 1st Gear, Jack up the Off/ S Wheel, when I do this I stick the wheel under the body that side of the car, ( The Side I'm working on, Remove the Inner liner but take you time as it wraps around the strut, you will see the Motor but check the connections first, they may be Dirty, spray WD40 On & in the connector & Try, Have you checked the fuses? 15amp, check your fuse box for the Amp also your Car Instruction book, If it's the Motor look on Ebay, they are not that expensive on there, do not go to the dealers unless you have deep pockets.