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My First Puncture!

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Prudie | 19:12 Tue 25th Nov 2014 | Motoring
50 Answers
I have driven 6 miles home from work in the dark and pouring rain, all the way I knew something was wrong. Anyway at home I have a flat tyre, there is a screw in the wall. I've not had a puncture in this car before and have discovered I have no spare tyre - just manufacturer supplied electric pump and a tin of spray tyre mender stuff - is this safe? Should I use this stuff to get to the garage or just take the wheel in?


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The screw has gone up vertically almost exactly on the edge where sidewall becomes tread. I bet I’ll need 2 new tyres. Just before Christmas. Boo-hoo.
Why two tyres, Prudie ?.
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I understood you always had to fit a pair either both front or both back when you got a new tyre??
No Prudie, thats not necessary. I think that goes back to the days of 'Don't use a Crossply tyre and a Radial tyre on the same axle'.
That rule still hold anyway, very dangerous !.

So as long as the new tyre ( to replace the punctured tyre ) is the same as the tyre on the opposite side you only need one new tyre.
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Aww methyl, I'd hoped you were going to ask me if it's front or rear wheel drive, what fuel, what cc, average mileage pa, engine configuration,my weight..

Can you still buy crossplys then Tony?
Menthyl, was the cause of your broken Spring due to pots Holes/ Did you Claim? If you have the evidence ( Dated Camera) you have every chance you will re-coupe your costs.
Cross ply tyres are still available but only from specialist suppliers for vintage / classic cars.
Methyl some public libraries have the full set of British Standards and you can borrow them free. Your local library will order them for you if they do not stock them.
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Just as an update rang the garage and they said under no circumstances use the gunky spray unless you accept that's the end of the tyre, it can't be repaired if that's been used. So took the wheel in and it wasn't repairable anyway. At least he said I only needed 1 new tyre.
Back on the road again,
Thank you for all your answers, I won't pick a best but special thanks to Tonyav.
Thanks Prudie, I'd see about getting a spare wheel though if I were you. My cay only came with a can of that gunky spray, so I bought a get you home spare wheel and I must say it gives me a bit of peace of mind ( especially on long journeys ).
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Thing is though there's no room for one under the boot floor, only in the boot itself. It doesn't come with a jack or wheelbrace either we discovered tonight. They're not missing, just not there and no slots for them. Just the spray and an air compressor.
Glad to hear you're back on the road Prudie :-)
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Thanks peas x
Strange thing is my car has a place for a spare wheel, jack and a wheel brace. Yet the car doesn't come with them !. Yet I was able to buy a genuine ( Nissan ) spare wheel, jack and wheel brace for it on line !. Another scam I think.
Blimey I can remember when, if you bought a new car you got abunch of flowers, a box of chocolate and a full tank of fuel. Now you don't even get a spare and accessories??!
Hm, I wanted to insist on a spare but OH wasn't bothered, says we're covered by RAC or Honda Happy. We'll see!
Captain, we got a full tank, a lovely black Honda fleece and an umbrella which daughter broke on its first airing!
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Psybbs I'm going to have a rethink too. It was OK this time as I got home but gawd knows what I'd have done out and about. I have breakdown cover but have always waited at least an hour for them to turn up. I expect it depends where you live.
Nice one Psybbo (must say I've had a few new Hondas and the dealership are usually pretty good). But did you get a spare wheel :-)

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