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mrspirite | 10:17 Wed 08th Jul 2015 | Motoring
9 Answers
can any abers tell me if it is illegal to park opposite someones driveway.thanx in advance


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Across the road from the driveway you mean ? I don't think so. But if you mean blocking it, then I believe so. I'm no legal expert though.
Can your 'neighbour' still get in and out?
I have an Issue with this problem Mrs, The person opp Son's Girlfriend parks her car directly opp my drive, my neighbours to my left has no drive but the one to my right does, so when all are parked up there to me is an obstruction, & the obstruction is caused by the person parking on the Pavement opp.
I suppose it depends to a degree how wide the road is that the vehicle is parked on. If it were a single track road then there would be an obstruction in any case but if the vehicle parked across from the drive just makes egress a little awkward to sweep out the drive in one movement then I would think that no offence has been committed. A lot depends on Geography and road lay out.Parked in a Dangerous Position could be another scenario. Parked too near a junction on a bus route is another.
As Nasty as this may sound Retro, hope her car gets smacked, there is plenty of room on our side of the road & would take her ALL OF 0NE MIN to walk to her B.Fs house, but Lazy ness & Thought less take the ticket.
Most likely it will eventually. One way or the other. :-)
I find this an interesting thread for I too have issues with parked cars.

I am on a curve in the road and the dropped kerb in front of my gates is not 100% in the right position anyway (I think the curve confused whoever marked it out). Even if someone parks up to the drop it makes life difficult, and usually they are over it.

I have a small length to my right that is just big enough for a small town car, but which often gets blooming big vans stuck there. Also a larger length to my left, which a neighbour from down the road a bit tends to shove his van on.

This causes a hazard as folk shoot around the corner expecting nothing to be in the way (car, child, whatever) and if I am edging out they have to brake sharply and have the cheek to cuss me for their own reckless driving !

That aside, it is difficult enough to get out at that, but directly across the road it isn't uncommon for others to park one or two cars; and quite honestly I can't understand how I've managed to get in and out sometimes without scraping one of more of them. I have little room to drive out and next to nothing to turn in.

Having bought a place with a drive is nice, but folk taking up their right to park at the kerb makes things nearly impossible much of the time. No wonder many in the street have knocked down the whole of their front boundary wall and dropped the kerb across the whole width.

It's a retrograde step for the community, not something I approve of, but the way things are going folk end up thinking they have little choice any more.
Would be nice if we got a few answers / fact from the OP. I'm putting something in suggestions. (Awwww gawd I hear you cry).
If the driveway has a dropped curb it is apparently illegal to block the drive if it does not it isn't, just common courtesy

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