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TWR | 06:41 Wed 02nd Sep 2015 | Motoring
18 Answers
Trust your Satnav for directions?


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Let's see if anyone's changed their mind in the last 18 months
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Yes, otherwise I've just bought something else for the cupboard under the sink.
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Can they be used to recall Links on The A.B.?
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///Can they be used to recall Links on The A.B.?///
No, the 'Search Box' is good for that.
Thought it might be interesting to see if anyone had changed their opinion.
When I go for my walk round here I'm often stopped by confused motorists and asked for directions to the playing fields. They're always being sent up this one person's driveway by their satnavs. He's the local catholic priest so I suspect it's an Orange Lodge-led conspiracy.
Then there was the huge lorry that got stuck on a sharp precipitous bend having been sent along the pack-horse route by mr satnav.
I'm old-school. Prefer to scope out my route on OS maps (Bing has these) so I can get an idea of notable landmarks, changes in terrain etc, then use streetview to locate key landmarks at ground level that are cues for salient points on the route.
Very, very satisfying.
Up to a point.
I'd have a fair idea of where I was going to start with.
I have done when I have come across closed roads in an area I didn't know at all. Without it I would have been really stuffed. Routinely though I take a belt and braces approach and check the night before. then use the satnav for detail.
well up to a point but I don't blindly follow if it's clearly wrong. I usually have a good idea where I'm going anyway, I just use the satnav for the last few miles.
I'm like TTT,I can get to say Manchester ok it's getting from the edge of Manchester to my final destination where the sat nav comes in handy.
I don't use one myself. If I'm going somewhere unfamiliar I print out maps and directions to take with me.
My OH's satnav once tried to send us to London when we were trying to find our way around Coventry. I'm not keen on them.
Something similar happened to my OH. They (he wasn't driving) were heading to Cornwall from Northampton and he phoned me from Coventry because the driver was following the Satnav...
ummmm, what's wrong with that? It's as good a route as any, and one I've often used in my fifteen years as a HGV driver. If the satnav was one which took the live traffic details into account, I certainly wouldn't hesitate to use that route.
Probably if it's somewhere I've never been before, TWR.
Yes, of course. I use mine every time I go out to work, to find addresses. Once in a while, it makes the odd mistake but it doesn't happen very often.

To be honest, I am not sure how I would manage without mine. Driving, while holding an A-to-Z is an accident waiting to happen.

Of course, I could always take a woman with me, so that she can read the map while I am driving......that would work, wouldn't it ?

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