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10 Minute "grace" For Parking Over Your Time.

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Everhelpful | 19:13 Sun 15th Nov 2015 | Motoring
11 Answers
This was talked about by someone,I can't remember who,saying 10 minutes over your Parking Time on the Meter would be allowed,was this just a "7 Day" wonder which was just forgotten about,or did something actually come of it? Thank You for any replies.


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Of course the difficulty here is that, as with speeding, the allowance over the specified time will be seen as a "right" and the prosecution of minor transgressions above that allowance will be seen as "harsh".

With speeding, the Association of Chief Police Officers (or whatever they now call their organisation) issued guidance to say that speeds up to (limit + 10% +2mph) should not be prosecuted.The idea was to prevent frivolous challenges to the accuracy of measuring equipment from clogging up the courts. This meant that normally, speeds of up to 79mph (in a 70 limit) would not be punished. The result of this is that people travelling at 80mph and prosecuted now bleat that "I was only 1mph over the 'limit'" . You were travelling at 10mph over the limit.

So it is with this. The ten minutes will become a "right" and people overstaying by 11 minutes will bleat that they have been penalised for just a one minute transgression. As they say, "Give them an inch and they will take a mile".
supposed to be....

the best message if the warden is ticketing you but has not got the paperwork on your windscreen, or then photographed it, don't get into a barney with them that allows them to complete the job.

Just get in your car and drive away, as they have to have placed the yellow peril and taken a pic of it......

I've had two very pishhed off folk in recent months.
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Thank you all for your replies,NJ,it was only 5 minutes over time,I still have the Ticket and Penalty Notice although I have paid fine,is it worth appealing?
yes, if logical and not emotional......
DTC I am sure the law about having to put the ticket on the windscreen changed a couple of year ago.
Seems that if you were only 5 minutes over the allowed time, the warden has not acted in accordance with the guidelines.
well, put it this way, I ain't seen a ticket through the post for the two times I have pulled this, the most recent over ten weeks ago.
There is a 2007 Statutory Instrument saying the ticket can be issued by post if the enforcement officer has begun to write the ticket but the car is driven way.
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Once again,Thank you all,I will appeal and will let you know the outcome.

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10 Minute "grace" For Parking Over Your Time.

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