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Daily Commute Costs

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AB Editor | 12:22 Thu 07th Jan 2016 | Motoring
11 Answers

This poll is closed.

  • £2 - £4 per day - 57 votes
  • 44%
  • £5 - £7 per day - 31 votes
  • 24%
  • £8 - £11 per day - 20 votes
  • 16%
  • £12 - £15 per day - 9 votes
  • 7%
  • £16 - £20 per day - 7 votes
  • 5%
  • Over £20 per day - 5 votes
  • 4%

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Stats until: 07:24 Tue 07th Jan 2025 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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Why are these questions of interest Ed? The last one was about our commute time, now the cost, enlighten me?

For what its worth I spend about £10 per week on petrol, average £10 on park n ride and whatever it costs to tax and insure the car. Can you work that out for me per day? I work 5 days a week driev somedays and park for free, PnR on others.
Don't understand this poll. If we say what we "think" it costs it we could say anything. If we try and really work it out it will take a lot of work. Road tax, petrol, car servicing etc. But that is for all your driving not just the commute. I think this poll will not reveal very much at all as people will not know and if it is simply "what they think" then it will be meaningless.
I've guessed and voted for between £5 and £7 per day.
If you take into account servicing, MOT, VED and tyres, running a car is costly. Fuel is a very small part of the equation, and if you only drive a few miles per year, your cost per mile is much higher, as you are still paying the same VED (if you pay it), insurance (although this may be cheaper if you do fewer miles per year).
Question Author
It's about what you think it costs you, your mental accounting, not the actual costs :)
0, I walk!
Still,the shoe leather TTT.
I get picked up so it doesn't cost me anything. I don't pay towards it because I'm related to my boss and I'd happily walk if he didn't always text me telling me what time he's picking me up.
I would consider depreciation as the biggest cost.Hence the 1 vote for F
Costs me sod all. It is a company car and I get taxed BIK for personal mileage. 'Er indoors uses her car for the big shop on a Thursday at Aldi and I use shanks' pony or my bike for personal journeys so my personal mileage for tax purposes is next to nothing
No longer have a daily commute and when I did the last decade was on foot. But I reckon now-a-days the car probably costs about £10 a day, 365 days a year. Maybe slightly optimistic depending on what the depreciation really is, but that's a rough ballpark figure.

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