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How Many Road Signs To "london" Are There?

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ToraToraTora | 13:53 Fri 17th Jun 2016 | Motoring
11 Answers
....and how much will it cost to add "istan" to them all?


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It seems pretty obvious to me that Labour would have won yesterday in Tooting almost whoever the candidate was and the fact that she was a doctor and extremely intelligent with an interest in her community meant she was certain to win.
As for the mayoral election same applies in that he was from the party most likely to win and he was a respected candidate
Parkistan Lane could curry favour with some.
It seems to me that the Tory Party is missing a trick here.

According to some, Muslim candidates only win because they are Muslim.

So, surely all the Tories have to do is to persuade more Muslims to stand as Tory candidates ?

Simples !
Brick Lane is your best choice for a good meal - Wilmslow Road if you are in the North West.

Can't go wrong.

Have you tried Googling how many road signs there are?

Some cracking search engines these days.
The police accused my uncle of stealing from London Transport.
The signs were there.

I googled 'Londonistan Road Signs' just to see if there were any, I got this;h=180
Ah, well you used the wrong parameters for your search...

//How Many Road Signs To "London" Are There?//

//well you used the wrong parameters for your search//

No I didn't I wanted to see if any had been (unofficially) altered to read Londonistan.
Ah, gotcha.

Hopefully someone can answer TTT's poser.
It's my understanding that "istan" means "land". (I think I heard it on QI.) So I don't see it likely being used as a city or town suffix.
'Stan' means 'land'. So, Afghanistan = Land of the Afghans, Baluchistan = Land of the Baluchis and so on. 'Pakistan' is an exception, though the 'stan' part still means 'land'. This name was created by Choudhary Rehmat Ali, a Muslim intellectual, as long ago as 1933. He used the initial letters of the regions that finally went to make up the country at its foundation in the late 1940s. It could, in theory, have been called 'Kapistan', 'Apkistan' etc. As luck would have it, however, Pakistan meant 'Land of the Pure', so that is the combination that he chose.
It does not mean what you might imagine it means, based on the other examples above!

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