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Steering On Car

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fruitsalad | 19:35 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | Motoring
6 Answers
I was reversing out of my drive, turned the wheel to the left and it felt like the steering caught on something but at the same time steering felt slightly loose, then after I had straightened up, and put it in 1st gear it was as if whatever it was freed itself and the steering was fine again, any ideas what could of caused this.


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No, but get it checked by a qualified mechanic. You just can't afford to to take risks with things like steering.
Did you maybe run over a brick, drive edging, piece of wood, or something else that would have momentarily just raised one of the front wheels, this would make the steering feel light for a moment, but strange its never happened before.

/// just raised one of the front wheels, this would make the steering feel light for a moment ///
No it wouldn't.
For peace of mind I'd get it checked out were I you.

Had the steering fail on me once, but luckily when I was going very slowly; not doing 70mph down a motorway.
Check the power steering fluid.
upon reflection fruitsalad, everyone is assuming you have hydraulic power steering, is this the case, or is it electric.

Baldric, I will explain my logic an see if we can then agree. Do you think that if you lift one wheel of the ground entirely steering will feel lighter, if yes, then if you reduce one tyres "foot print", by driving over an obstacle, then steering input will reduce by a %. You agree?

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