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Cd Player In Ford Fiesta

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JuniperEccles | 16:31 Sat 07th Mar 2020 | Motoring
5 Answers
I seem to have upset the CD player in my car. If, for instance, it's playing Track 1 and I press the forward button for Track 2 it says "Shuffle" and flies to any track it fancies. I've tried turning the engine off, different CDs, etc. but it's still doing it. Any solutions, please?


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Some CD players have a button marked 'Shuff CD' or similar. Once it's pressed, tracks are played in random order and if (as you've done) you press 'Forward' or 'Back' a random track is also selected. Pressing 'Shuff CD' again disengages the function.

So you neded to look to see if there's a button marked 'Shuff CD', 'Random' or similar.
PS: If your CD player has symbols, rather than words, to indicate its functions, the 'Shuffle' button will probably have two arrows crossing over each other on it:
you sure that's not the Wuhan Shake?
maybe its just elderly and past its sell by date - you can get a replacement one with warranty on Ebay for £75
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Many thanks, everyone. I've now engaged my brain and pressed "Menu" and, lo and behold, it told me how to "shuffle off". A bit rude, I thought, but it's worked!!

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Cd Player In Ford Fiesta

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