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Petrol Trigger

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fruitsalad | 13:22 Mon 25th Apr 2022 | Motoring
18 Answers
When I go to put petrol in my car the trigger keeps clicking off, as if the tank is full although I know it isn't, I thought maybe it was the pump, but it does this everytime I go to put petrol in, even in different garages, so also not the problem, any ideas?


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Try not pulling the trigger fully up - that will make the fuel flow more slowly which should stop the cut-out operating.
Also, check at what angle you are putting the nozzle into the filler, some pipes have quite a sharp bend and if the nozzle is to close to the bend it triggers the cutoff if the flow is too strong.
Keep adjusting the angle of the nozzle, and even pull it out a fraction. You will find the sweet spot.
this is how it works, I suspect the inner tube is getting cut off from the air somehow in your filler pipe. Try lifting the nozzle higher than just putting it in as far as it will go.

That happens on mine on some pumps if I push the nozzle right in. Pulling it out a little sorts it.
People drop the nozzles on the ground and damage the small breather tube which is desgned to stop the fuel whe the tank is full and seals the hole off. When damaged it squashes the hole up so it detects a full tank stopping the flow. I think its called a pitot tube.
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Thanks guys, I've tried holding the trigger in all different positions, OH says I must be putting it in to far, so I'm going to let him try it, just to see if it is, me, doing something wrong, although I don't have a problem filling his car.
You fill his car? Can you have a chat with my wife?
I put it down to duff nozzle on the pump.
^so OP goes to fill up at the same pump every time the car needs petrol? Impressive!
No, just to places that have inadequate nozzles.
^ah, so the OP is going to many different filling stations and gets a "duff nozzle" every time? Even more impressive!
"OH says I must be putting it in to far" - who err missus!
It's the angle that the nozzle goes in. Happens on my car as well (and the last one)
It's either a damaged nozzle as in my reply and Old_geezers suggestion, or the hole on the nozzle may be being slightly blocked by, as suggested the angle it is being held inside the filler tube. It is feasible the same pump is being used, why not, especially if its local. Half the pumps round here are like this, and no matter what you do they have to be squeezed just right in order to work. Others no problem.
Gosh; all this talk of nozzles and angles of insertion and speed of insertion make me dizzy. I have had similar probems and I found that slow insertion (not too deep) and then slow and sensitive operation of the squirt trigger can produce a satisfactory result, which seems to please my car and gives me a lovely feeling.
Its called a venturi tube, my mistake! Next time you're filling up, look at the end of the nozzle, they're usually damaged with being dropped to the concrete. Anyways, this explains how it works...
fruitsalad does say this happens in different garages.

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