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Crash, Bang, Wallop ! ! !

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Canary42 | 21:48 Thu 05th May 2022 | Motoring
8 Answers
An amazing video of a skip lorry demolishing a few (fortunately parked and empty) vehicles, followed by the "victims" emerging to see what's happened. Driver unhurt apparently.


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I note that the piece is credited to 'freelance writer', Andy Wells. This might pi$$ off Chloe Wilson somewhat, as she wrote the piece for the Bolton News! (All of Andy Wells other 'freelance writing' seems to consist of direct plagiarism from local news sites too!).
I assume Yahoo, for whom Wells works, just aggregates news from other sources. I wouldn't be so rash as to assume they pay for the right to do so, of course.
Wow, it's a good job nobody was in the parked vehicles.
^^^ There's no copyright in 'hard news', Jno, but nicking stuff wholesale seems to be taking the wee-wee somewhat!

I'm reminded of an article I submitted to a national magazine. The editor initially said it probably wasn't right for them but passed it to their sister publication, who then declined it on the grounds that 'they'd already got something similar in the pipeline from a staff writer'. That staff writer's piece was indeed very similar to mine. Indeed, it was word for word identical throughout, even down to a minor typo that neither the staff writer nor the editor had bothered to correct.

On another occasion, one of the journalists on the Sheffield 'Green Un' sports newspaper asked me to help find him some content for his weekly piece. He managed to fill an entire page of the paper with my writing but with his by-line appearing at the top of it!
I've posted a version of this before but it still seems appropriate here somehow ;-)
I'd be talking to the journalists' union about things like that, Buenchico. They represent people who don't like to see their work stolen.
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/// I've posted a version of this before but it still seems appropriate here somehow ;-) ///

Guy's got his priorities right. But an amazing escape, that was a hell of a thump. (Thanks for re-posting it Chris, I didn't see it before).
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Crash, Bang, Wallop ! ! !

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