twenty is plenty????? in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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twenty is plenty?????

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david small | 20:00 Tue 10th Jan 2006 | Motoring
4 Answers
Anyone know if the new signs twenty is plenty are enforceable?
We have six where I live first you see a forty miles an hour sign then a twenty plenty (white) then a forty all together.
Can we be fined, loose point's etc�
Thanks in anticipation.

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The enforceable signs have circular, red ring borders. All mandatory speed limit signs have these. I've never heard of your 'twenty is plenty' signs, and I think they sound like some local organisation's attempt to get drivers to proceed at a safer speed through your locality. They should be thought of as notices, for they are not official road traffic signs.
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Thank you Robert G
They might well be advisory but they are there for a good reason. They are usually found near schools or in built-up areas where children are likely to be playing. Why not just keep to 20mph in these zones?

The twenty mph signs my not represent the speed limit but will be there for a reason i.e. a school or accident blackspot and ignoring a warning sign may result in a charge of dangerous or reckless driving rather than speeding!

....which will incurr points and fines etc, these will significantly increase if you kill a child before you are caught!

My advice would be to take heed of the signs they have not just been placed there to anoy you!

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