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Why Has Webuyanycar Taken Off Half The Price I Was Quoted

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Treacle71 | 09:13 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Motoring
29 Answers

I'm looking to sell my 17 yo car.  When I got a quote from webuyanycar online they quoted £600, but when I took the car to them in person, they said £300.  Why the half price knock down?



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See how much a scrappy will give you
15:40 Thu 12th Sep 2024

Yesterday's quotes for my 17 year old 11000mileage hatchback (less then 1000 miles a year) one owner(me)

webuyanycar £3063  (subject to viewing and short test drive )  "UP TO £2022"   [  note the words UP TO  : haha 

scrap ( via the link kindly supplied by Barry : £145) needs 16 photos interior, exterior, upholstery, dashboard, wheels, tyres, chips, scratches and scrapes .

Surely the extremely  low mileage and perfect engine should be more important !

I won't bother with any 


it is called "bait and change" - usually for selling

clementino - i thought you were saying 110,000 miles was extremely low mileage (till i put my glasses on!)

Peter, yes I agree, so I have a couple of contacts who know the true worth ...I may donate to a youngster learning to drive or a charity of some sort.

bednobs.   😅 😅

But I got exactly what they quoted online, they do try to find faults, couldn't find any on mine. Obviously you don't have to accept their offer.

Ultra-low mileage isn't necessarily a plus for an older car.

Autotrader  :said they cannot value my car as it is over 15 years old.

Many years ago I used to buy Autocar magazine which was brilliant for values etc

I think I got what they offered on mine - they tried to knock a bit off but added it back for the matching spare wheel which was non-standard.

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