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Car Won't Start, But Rac Can't Find Anything Wrong

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Treacle71 | 19:12 Fri 29th Nov 2024 | Motoring
86 Answers

When I turn the engine on, it starts, then cuts out. This happens each time. RAC said he can't find anything wrong and I'll need to take it to a garage 🤷. I asked him if he thought it was worth it, but he said it's up to me if I want to spend money on a 17 yo old car. It'd need to be towed there.

I just wondered what anyone thought? I'm thinking of scrapping it.



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scrap it - not worth the hassle...
09:57 Sat 30th Nov 2024
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Thank you to those who recommended Redex. I haven't tried it, but I wonder why the RAC but didn't mention using it? 🤔

It probably wouldn't work & you'd have wasted 5 quid.

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Thank you davebro. Think it's best I scrap it. I might get a second opinion from the AA though.

Are you a member of the AA? If not it will be a charge for them to come out and look at your car?

Have you tried calling a mobile mechanic, not a breakdown service?

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Hi DDIL. I was thinking of coming out of the RAC and joining the AA so they could look at it? 🤔

To what end? Are you going to repair it? 

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I would hope the AA would?🤷

Why are you still driving the old one when you bought a new one 3 months ago?

You would have to check the terms and conditions to see if they will carry out repairs as soon as you take out breakdowns.

i am struggling to understand why you are fussing over a car and wasting money on a car that you were desperate to get rid of and buy a new one?

maybe she could sell it if it was a "runner"

That's what I don't understand and changing from one breakdown service to another to see if they can fix it is ludicrous. Most people, if they were that keen to get it sorted, would book it into a local garage (and some will come to you). It can hardly be cheaper to sign up for the full 'homestart' type package and that is all it does. if it's something major as a fault they don't fix it for you, they may help you to a garage but that's it.

the AA and RAC are for breakdowns and recovery. Surely you have a garage/mechanic where you get your MOT's/repairs done. I'd go there first, and speak to him.

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OK, thanks guys. Think I'll scrap it.

...and how's that two-year old car that you bought last month going?

Don't scrap it. Get a mobile mechanic to look at it first.

There are a number of 2007 Citroen C1s on autotrader. In good condition - cosmetically & mechanically - and with a long MoT they seem to fetch about £1000. Of course any necessary repairs would reduce that considerably.

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I'm going to give it one last shot. I'm going to take it to Kwik Fit, as the guy there knows me of old and see what he says 🤷.

// I'm going to take it to Kwik Fit//

How - if it doesn't start?

If you can't keep the engine running how are you going to get it to Kwik Fit?

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