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Car Exhaust

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pauldrew | 19:39 Fri 31st Mar 2006 | Motoring
8 Answers
nylon coming out of my car exhaust


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at best its just the stuffing inside one of the silencers breaking up. at worst, you have found that pair of tights you used when the fan belt broke...


I know what you mean, the rear silencer box is a straight through type.

As you can see it is a tube with a pipe sticking out at both ends, this pipe goes straight through the outer tube and is perforated through out it's length. All along it's length inside the box it is perforated and packed around with a sound proofing material, this is what is coming out of your exhaust because the perforated tube is rusting away.

It could eventualy block the exhaust and this would stop your engine.

You need to get a new rear silencer box before this happens.

Hi pauldrew, Answerbank is not google where you type a minimum sentence and look for hits, this is people like you reading and answering the questions, so make a complete question with some information on what car, year other symptoms, etc... so that they can give you a reasonable answer.
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Sorry this is the first time I have user the answer bank. Thank you all for the responses. To give you more information:

The nylon is coming out the exhaust and keeps on coming out until I pull it all out. Then when I use the car again it starts it again. It has not affected the cars performance other than having what looks like a sheep hanging out the back of the car

The car is a Peugeot 306 2001.
Sorry for the blunt welcome, pauldrew ! Welcome to Answerbank - you'll soon become an addict !
happened to my old 205. do what toureman says

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