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Renault Megane Service

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zombie1000 | 11:14 Tue 04th Apr 2006 | Motoring
2 Answers


I have an 03 reg Renault Megane which I finance through Renault Finance Services. (it is HP) and it is due its first service. Do I have to take it to a Renault dealer or can I take it to a reputable mechanic I know? Renault are trying to charge me �175 just to take it in!! Would it have any affect on my agreement as I am handing it back in the summer



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i shouldnt think so, try looking in your contract to see if it does matter ? as long as the car is serviced with renault parts and to thier standards/checklist it should be ok to take it elsewhere

Renault are dear, you can take it to any vat registered garage and as long as genuine renault service parts are used this will not affect your warranty, plus it will be a lot cheaper.

Go to the link below, sign up, all free and you will find out a lot about Renaults, they will back up my answer aswell.

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