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uninsured driver

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thegoat | 22:07 Wed 05th Apr 2006 | Motoring
8 Answers

My Partners Mother who has no driving licence took her car without consent and had a small accident. Will my Partner be liable for the damage caused to the other car through her insurance ?



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No, her mother has no insurance and can be sued by both car owners for the damage and prosecuted.
I think your best bet is to pay for the other cars damage BEFORE THE POLICE AND INSURANCE COMPANY GET INVOLVED
My son did this last year when i was in Cuba, but his accident was in the Drive thru McDonalds and so as it was private and not public land there has been little the guy in the huge white van he nudged could do about it, apart from trying to claim for whiplash!
If you want to cover it up then follow Norman's advice, otherwise Stanley is correct, she can be prosecuted and sued for damage to both cars.

Either the mother gets done for 'stealing' the car, or your partner gets done for letting her drive it.

Best thing is to try to fix the damage without involving insurance, as others have suggested.

I'm a theft claims handler for a car insurance firm.

Hopefully she will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Your partenr will not be liable unless he allowed her to take the car - she will be liable for all costs incurred by the insurance company.

As she is the known "thief", then the insurance co is obliged to deal with any claims put forward, and then will seek reimbursement from her.

The sensible course of action is to try and deal privately.

In regards to dot.hawkes reply, then this is complete rubbish - McDonalds will be classed as public land, the same a s a supermarket car park is - again, I hope the full force of the law is brought about - people like that make me sick and put law abiding citizens insurance premiums up

Good answer Gouldc most drivers are completely ignorant of most motoring laws.
Thanks Toureman. It's annoying for someone working in the business that so many people use ignorance as an excuse (it's even worse when the ombudsman doesn't let us punish them for bald tyres, no tax, no MOT, etc)

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