Why do they insist on trying to overtake on dual carriageways when also trying to go uphill? All they do is cause congestion and road rage! Shoot them all!
Some large lorries take a considerable time to get up to full speed, and loosing speed, and needing to start the build-up again, can sometimes add as much as twenty minutes to a journey time. Lorry drivers are usually on a delivery schedule, and will always try to get ahead of it if they can - the earlier they deliver, the earlier they can finish work, so they will take an opportunity to maintain speed if they can. It's not just being awkward, this is the genuine reason why they do this.
Billy - It IS the middle lane and the overtaking lane. Well, should be the overtaking lane. ****** me off when people move straight into it as soon as they join motorway.
I know what Grenmanwalk is on about. It's like one's going 51mph and the overtaking one is going 52mph and as soon as he's done overtaking 5 mins later the lorry he overtook overtakes him. Oh and he was talking about Dual Carriageways not Motorways....
Oh and as for the middle lane thing. How many people can say that you can drive down a motorway at the legal limit and stay in the left hand lane. You'd be changing lanes more times than a "business exec" in a traffic jam.
If you drive right behind a lorry it reduces your fuel consumption as you are driving in the slip stream. You see racing drivers do this all the time. I think lorry drivers call it drafting - I think a "truckers code" kinda thing may mean they take it turns. Geese do the same - they fly in V shaped formations and take it turns to take the lead.
It'd be terrible if lorries drover in V formation though, we'd never get home from work.