can anyone tell me why when we're out in our car,a vauxhall astra,we can be driving along fine when suddenly the immobiliser will kick in and we end up kangarooing down the road,we will pull in and when he opens the little door thing inside where the wires are there is a smell similiar to what you'd smell from a stink bomb????????After a while of the engine being turned off the car will go again normally but we dont really want to be doing this everytime we go out,cheers!!!!!!!!!
I don't think this is the immobiliser, this sounds like a fault on the ignition system itself which is suffering an intermittent short circuit or something. Normally it should probably blow a fuse but maybe somebody has put a bigger fuse to stop it blowing and now something is overheating (hence the smell) You are going to have to take it to an expert for diagnosis ASAP before something worse happens.