My rights with a car manufacturer in The AnswerBank: Law
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My rights with a car manufacturer

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choc_tpot | 20:20 Mon 11th Sep 2006 | Law
3 Answers
I bought my car new 2 years ago and I've just put it into the dealer as there is some paint bubbling on the roof. Obviously this would be covered on the warranty. However, they phoned me today and said that they wouldn't do the work under warranty as I have already had work done to my roof. They are claiming that I have had paintwork done and that has caused the bubbling.
I have had no work done on the roof at all, except when the same garage replaced the seals when it was leaking a year ago.

Can anyone tell me where I stand and what my rights are?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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They are trying it on to save themselves money.

Be polite, speak to the manager and write them a letter outlining the problem. If they still do not respond, then write another letter telling them that you will be taking it to "an expert" at your own expense. Should the expert find the manufacturer at fault, you will be taking them to court for the cost of reinstating as well as the cost of the expert.

If you purchased your car on credit (either a Hire Purchase - not loan - agreement of if you used a credit card - not debit card - to place any kind of deposit of over �100.00, then you can also get recourse from the credit company.

You may also want to inform your local Trading Standards.
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Thank you!!!
Oneeyevic is slightly off with his comment about trying to save themselves money. The dealer do not pay for warranty work. The manufacturer pays the dealer so they get paid whatever they do.
Your car may have had some paintwork done before it was delivered to you. If that is the case then this should have been done by the manufacturer therefore should not void any warranty you have.

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My rights with a car manufacturer

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