My grandson purchased a 50cc scooter which is an imported vehicle. Firstly the DVLA had problems with a signature which we sorted. Took all the forms back and by this time the cover note had expired. Cost �15 to get another one. Went back to DVLA yesterday thinking everything would be ok now and this morning received phone call to say that they need to inspect the bike on Monday by which time the cover note will have expired again . Has anyone else experienced this before. He needs the bike for college.
What cover note? in the past whenever i have had a cover note sent to me it's usually for 1 month. and then they re issue a new one as the old one is running out. if the bike is 100% you have nothing to worry about.
The cover note is for 1 week because the bike has not been registered before. As far as we know it is 100%. It is just the time it is taking to get the bike on the road.