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U.S. Prices

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10ClarionSt | 18:53 Mon 25th Sep 2006 | Motoring
5 Answers
Anyone on from the States, or has anyone just come back? How much is a gallon of gas over there now?


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Approx USD2.40 -2.80 per gallon in NY, depends where in USA price tends to change daily if not hourly, also bear in mind smaller gallon than in the UK
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My experience is gasoline is considerably cheaper than quoted here. Locally, here in a mountain west state, it's currently $2.15, dropping almost 70 cents in a little over three weeks. Reports indicate it less than $2.00 in Iowa... something like $1.95. Analyists believe the prices will drop further, possibly below $2.00 nation wide and stay there for some time...
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